Email Backup Communication

Cell phone numbers are recommended for program members, and required for guardians in CutTime. We do use emails, where provided, as a backup communication method in case the sms message fails to deliver for any reason. That backup email is also sent to program members who do not provide a cell phone number but do provide an email address.

It should also be noted that school email addresses generally report a lower deliverability rating than non-school email addresses.

The backup email contains the same information that would have been included in the text message, and it provides the reason they were contacted via email instead of their cell phone. The image below is a sample welcome email to a program member.

Note: If a member or guardian replies to this email with "STOP," that will not remove them from the contact list; they will need to contact their CutTime administrator to remove them.

Once they click their magic link, they will be sent a one-time email to confirm their identity, and then they will access their member dashboard on their device. Now they can access what they need in CutTime!

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